Aardcure BPP


Bitumen emulsion curing agent

SKU: ADCR-5-2 Categories: ,
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Aardcure BPP is a specially formulated bitumen emulsified hydrocarbon resin that forms an impervious film on concrete, preventing excessive water evaporation, promotes cement hydration, minimises shrinkage and increases concrete durability. This uniquely formulated blend of bitumen resins and hydrocarbons performs a dual purpose by effectively curing concrete and priming concrete for asphalt and bitumen overlays. It is ideally suitable for road construction and bridge decks and where a concrete curing compound and bitumen primer can be applied in one application.

Technical Data Sheet

Colour Chart

Application Instructions

Surface Preparation

Areas to be treated must be clean, dry, free from saw cutting debris.

Freshly laid concrete

After surface finishing the concrete must be free of bleed water and sufficiently set to be firm and able to be walked on without marking or damaging the surface.

Application Method

Assess the application area so that a fixed volume of mixed material can be applied over a fixed area to determine the correct application rate.

Agitate the material until thoroughly mixed to ensure effective curing properties.

Effective application temperatures are between 10°C and 35°C.

Application is recommended via low pressure spray unit (40psi). Spray at a sufficient rate to achieve consistent coverage in even coats. A short nap roller can also be used for smaller applications.